Grove, Robert (1634-03-25 - 1696-09-25)

Robert Grove
Church of England
b. ca. 1634-03-25 d. ca. 1696-09-25 (old)
Linked Sermons
Source of Data

Jeanne Shami; David Robinson; Hannah Wood

Biographical Sources Consulted

ODNB (Article: 11684); CCEd (Person ID: 35547); ACAD (Venn) (ID: GRV652R)

Other note

Robert Grove, son of William Grove, was born in London and baptized on 29 September 1634. He attended Winchester College before being admitted to St John’s College, Cambridge, in 1652. He was made scholar in 1653, graduated B.A. in 1657, was made fellow in 1659, and proceeded M.A. in 1660 and B.D. in 1667. He was created D.D. in 1681. He became chaplain to the bishop of London and rector of Wennington in 1667, and was collated to the rectories of Langham and Aldham in 1669. He resigned the two aforementioned livings in 1670 when he was made rector of St Andrew Undershaft, London. He was a prebendary in St Paul’s Cathedral from 1679-1691, and briefly archdeacon of Middlesex from 1690-91. He was consecrated as bishop of Chichester in 1691. Grove was notorious for engaging in incendiary exchanges with dissenters. He married Elizabeth Cole, with whom he had at least five children. Having lost both legs in a carriage accident in 1696, Grove died shortly thereafter on 25 September 1696 of infection from the amputation. He was buried in Chichester Cathedral.

GEMMS record created
November 14, 2016
GEMMS record last edited
May 17, 2024