Woodbridge, John (1613-01-01 - 1696-03-17)

John Woodbridge
b. ca. 1613-01-01 d. 1696-03-17 (old)
Source of Data

Catherine Evans

Biographical Sources Consulted

Congregational Library & Archives catalogue; Dictionary of Naational Biography

Other note

John Woodbridge was the sixth in a line of Rev. John Woodbridges. He was born at Stanton, to Rev. John Woodbridge (1582-1637) and Sarah (1593-1663). He was the brother of Benjamin Woodbridge (1622-1684), divine. He began his education at Oxford but objected to the oath of conformity and so left the university. He studied privately until he went to America in 1634, where he took up lands in Newbury, and acted as first town clerk and deputy to the general court. He led a group of settlers to a new area in 1641, who named the town Andover. Woodbridge was ordained there at 24 October 1645. He was also chosen as the leader of another congregation at Newbury. In 1647 he returned to England, carrying with him a manuscript of poetry by his sister-in-law Anne Bradsheet, which he had published as "The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up into America". He was made the chaplain to the commissioners for the Treaty of Newport. He returned to New England and became assistant pastor to his uncle Reverend Thomas Parker. He married Mercy Dudley, daughter of Governor Dudley (sister of Anne Bradstreet) on May 20, 1639. They had 12 children.

GEMMS record created
August 26, 2020
GEMMS record last edited
July 15, 2024