MS. Rawl. E. 208 - Sermon Notes taken by Joseph Keble

Sermon Notes taken by Joseph Keble
MS. Rawl. E. 208
Creation Date
1669 - 1670
Contents Note

These are notes taken by Joseph Keble, primarily at Gray's Inn Chapel, London, but occasionally in other venues. Many of the notes identify preacher and preaching occasions and/or dates. The pattern of dates suggests that dated sermons are the first sermon preached on a Sunday, These dated sermons alternate with undated sermons (likely preached on the same Sunday as the preceding dated sermon). Gray's Inn typically had two sermons per Sunday, so it is likely most of the sermons belong to this preaching venue. In fact, in the latter part of the volume sermons preached elsewhere are specifically noted, confirming the view that all sermons NOT identified by place were almost certainly preached at Gray's Inn. The volume is paginated and contains an index of preachers' names and of biblical texts that can be cross-referenced with the volume's contents. It should be noted, however, that the number of times a preacher is listed in the volume does not correspond exactly with the number of sermon note entries. Keble appears to list the preacher's name and a page number for the first sermon on a text, for example, but not always for subsequent sermons (see the example of sermons preached by Mr. Sherwood, for example). The volume was volume 8 of a long series of Gray's Inn Chapel notes ranging in date from 1669-1707.

Material Features

Keble's sprawling hand is often difficult to decipher, although it is consistent throughout.

Source of Data

Jeanne Shami

Sermons Contained
GEMMS record created
October 14, 2016
GEMMS record last edited
July 15, 2024